Who Are We and Why Are We Doing This?
There is a treasure trove of Jewish drama – contemporary, classic, richly humorous, and deeply meaningful. SJT brings to life plays and programs which express the uniqueness and universality of Jewish heritage and cultural life. We believe that a thriving Jewish theatre which reflects Jewish values, ideals, and literature in a positive way is essential at this point in time.
Jewish theatre has a long history of universal appeal – delighting and enlightening theatre lovers of all backgrounds with its humanitarian values and original humor. We are awed and humbled by the acceptance and enthusiasm of our community.
Our entire team is devoted to making the magic of theatre even more magical with the addition of a little Yiddishkeit (Jewish thinking).
SJT is a proud member of the Alliance for Jewish Theatre.

Our Mission
Sarasota Jewish Theatre celebrates Jewish life, literature and culture in all its beauty and complexity. SJT audiences experience the uniqueness and universality of Jewish heritage, values and humor through classic and contemporary plays, outreach programs and community conversations.

Our Vision and Our Goal as a Jewish Theatre
Tikkun Olam — make the world a better, safer, more inclusive place
Interconnection — bring Jewish values to the world
Help Jewish culture and literature thrive.
Be a positive Jewish messenger.
Engage our audiences with a variety of stimulating and enlightening plays, programs, and conversations.
Our Values
- Maintain standards of artistic professionalism and integrity
- Engage, empower, and inspire Jewish and non-Jewish audiences
- Expand the reach of theatre that explores Jewish identity in a multi-cultural world
- Be a stimulus for community conversations
- Provide a positive Jewish influence
- Be an active and vital member of our community

You don’t have to be Jewish to love Jewish theatre!
Why Does It Matter?
Across the country Jews are being harassed, threatened,
injured, even killed.