2024–2025 DONORS
We offer our deepest gratitude and a big round of applause to those who have generously donated to Sarasota Jewish Theatre in 2024-25. Without their support, we would not be able to present the 2024-25 season.
For those who wish to invest in our future, your tax-deductible donation can be made to:
Sarasota Jewish Theatre
P.O. Box 3395
Sarasota, FL 34230
For information call: 941-232-4123
Play Producer – $20,000 and up
Play Co-Producer – $10,000
Benefactor – $5,000-$9,999
Harry Leopold
Carolyn Michel and Howard Millman
Benjamin Huberman
in Memory of Gigi Huberman
Guardian – $1,000-$4,999
Baden Family Fund
Howard Berman / Navigation Trust
Barbara and Michael Pollack
Suzanne Bralow
Carin Ing-Marie Malkin
Alice Cotman
Deline Charitable Foundation
Marjorie Goldstein
Joe and Barbara Sander
Peter Magnuson
Friend – $500-$999
Ellen Bobrow
Joan and Dr. Bart Levinson
Marlene Liberman
Ruth and Andy Maass
Esther B. Rose
Robert & Linda Rosenbluth
Ann Roth
Hedria Saltzman
Robert Sawyer
Steven and Rhona Schnoll
Jan Snyder
Janet Tolbert
Lee Vickman
Angel – $100-$499
Linda Lee Baker
Jackie Potter and Bill Black
Cookie Bloom
Alice Bluegrass
Elaine Blumencranz
Dot and larry Boulia
Fran and Jeff Cohen
Mary Dailey
Peggy Daitch and Peter Reimington
Steven Dvoskin
Bernie and June Fineman
Tom & Kathy McDonald Fund
Bonita Ganot
Bernard & Carole Gerber
Joanna Glass
Nan Gold
Bruce Goldhirsch
Elland and Alan Goldner
Ellen Goldner
Robert Gould
Harmon Greenblatt
Gary Gutterman
Daureen Gutterman
Sue Jacobson
Robert Heeren/Steven Kalt (In Memory of Howard Millman)
Andrew Sapon & Patti Kanner
Alyssia Lazin Kapic
Marty Katz
Steven Kaye
Carole Kleinberg
Ellen J. Kramer (In Memory of Howard Millman)
Harriet Krass
Harriett Krasnoff
Ilana Kroll
Enid P. Kushner
Ron Kushner
Bonnie Lewis
Andrea Lieberman
Joni Mandel
Nancy Milbauer
Judy Miller
Mikki and Joel Pertofsky
Maria Puszkar
Sue and George Ritzer
Jean Rosenblum
Sheila Rosenthal
Susan Rosin
Irving and Doris Ross (In honor of Nancy Roucher)
Ann Roth
Louis & Esther Rowitz
Marc & Ruthellen Rubin
Fran Ruffalo
Lillian Albrecht-Sands
Michael & Paula Schneilderman
John and Patricia Scibak
Emme & Ron Shapiro
Lynn and Jan Silverman
Bernice Skirboll
Joan Steinberg
Martin Rich Living Trust
Edris Weis
Dianne Whitten
Conrad and Wendy Wicks