2023–2024 DONORS

We offer our deepest gratitude and a big round of applause to those who have generously donated to Sarasota Jewish Theatre in 2023-24. Without their support, we would not be able to present the 2023-24 season. Donations received through July 15, 2024.

For those who wish to invest in our future, your tax-deductible donation can be made to:

Sarasota Jewish Theatre
P.O. Box 3395
Sarasota, FL 34230

For information call: 941-232-4123


 Play Producer – $20,000 and up

The Center for Faith and Freedom, Inc.
Floyd C. Johnson & Flo Singer Johnson Foundation, Inc.
Carolyn Michel & Howard Millman


Play Co-Producer – $5,000-$10,000

George J. and Alice Pugh Fund of the Community Foundation of Sarasota County
Shelley & Sy Goldblatt
Harry Leopold
Mackler-Goding Foundation
Ron & Pat Pantello
The iAmYes Project/Amy Weinberger


Benefactor – $5,000-$9,999

Daniel M. Paradies Foundation Endowment at Gulf Coast Community Foundation
Huisking Family Fund
Carole Kleinberg
Eileen Rosenzweig


Guardian – $1,000-$4,999

Howard Berman
Susan & Jim Buck
Alice Cotman
Lynn Coville
Dallas & Elizabeth Dort Foundation
Leon & Margaret Ellin Fund
Jack & Kathy Epstein
Pria Elizabeth Harmon
Josh and Dana Kollman
Dr. Barbara J. Lorry
Peter Magnuson, Magnuson Financial
Dr. Robert and Linda Rosenbluth
Hedra Saltzman
Marcia Jean Taub and Peter Swain in
   loving memory of Ethel & Ron Taub
Temple Sinai


Friend – $500-$999

Linda Albert
Ellen Bobrow
Jan & Simon Braun
Georgia Court
Phyllis Dreyfuss
Marjorie Goldstein
Penelope Kingman
Lisa Kleinberg & Dr. Ira Azneer
Marlene Liberman
Ruth and Andy Maass
Marian Moss
Edith Pargh
Barbara & Michael Pollack
Nadia Ritter
Esther B. Rose
Ann Roth
Barbara & Joe Sander
Jan Snyder & Pauline Kabcenell
Lee Vickman


Angel – $100-$499

Bill Black and Jackie Potter
Cookie Bloom
Terry Brackett
Suzanne Bralow
Judy Bronstein
Harriet Deutsch
Lynne & Michael Doyle
Phyllis Dreyfuss
Rachel & Fredric Dulin
Steve Dvoskin
Amy Eliezer
Shirley Fein
Sandy Fink
Nancy & Thomas Flanagan
Kelly Franklin
Bonita Ganot
Roz Goldberg
Ellen Goldner
Joan Golub
Daureen & Garry Gutterman
Arnold and Ellen Gwirtzman
Steve Hellinger
Doug Hellinger
John Hellinger
Paul Hellinger
Maurice Hirsch
Angela Hissom
Paul Hollinger
Sue Jacobson
Jan & Tony Joseph
Mary Braxton Joseph
Steven Kalt
Alyssia Lazin Kapic
Barbara Katz
Susan & David Katz
Irene & Mark Kauffman
Nancy Kotler
Harriett Krasnoff
Harriett Krass in honor of Carole Goff’s 75th birthday
Ellen & Les Kreisler
Barbara Kupferberg
Enid P. Kushner
Ron Kushner
Bonnie Lewis
Judith A. Linwood
Lois & Rudy Lucek
Larry Jeffrey Marion
Rita & Barry Mazer
Elaine Merker
Nancy Milbauer
Barbara Nalven
Kayla Niles
Bernice Fried Niss
Robert Nosal & Robert E. Trisolini
Greg Parris
Mikki & Joel Pertofsky
Elaine Pipe
Judy & Howard Polivy
Aaron & Regina Rand
Jay Richman
Susan Rosen
Jean Rosenblum
Louis & Esther Rowitz
Marc and Ruthellen Rubin
Ruth & Leonard Rubinstein
Lisa Rubinstein
Fran Ruffalo & Harmon Greenblatt
Phillip & Lucy Sandler
Lillian Albrecht-Sands
Andrew Sapon & Patti Kanner
Michael and Paula Schneilderman
Ruth Ann Schumeister
John and Patricia Scibak
Lynn and Jan Silverman
Joan Steinberg
Thomas Suplee
Bonnie & Harvey Sussman
Bobette Takiff
Jo Ann Tobias
Edris Weis
Ernest Werlin
Dianne Whitten
Conrad Wicks
Roberta Zimmerman